
Anass Habib was born in Fez (Morocco) on October the 17th of the year 19 80 under the civil name of Anass Azami Hassani. His singing ambitions showed at the early age of 5, when he sang classical Arabic melodies together with his family. At the age of 12, Anass gave his first solo concert in Fez.

Anass lived in Syria for two years, where he studied medieval and pre-medieval songs of the churches of the middle east in Arabic, Aramaic and Greek languages. He took lessons from the composer Said Qoteb (Damascus), and the singers Safouan Abed and Ahmed Kaddah (both from Aleppo).

After a few years of studying back in his home city Fez, Anass decided to give his knowledge and skills another major 'boost': he went to Lebanon, where he worked for three months on techniques of singing, Aramaic and Byzantine repertories with the great singer and teacher Ghada Shbeir. Not long after that, in the year 2013, Anass continued his studies, this time in Paris with Sister Marie Keyrouz. All these travels and studies made Anass what he is today: a very versatile singer of ancient and classical arabic music, and specialist in field of Aramaic and very old Christian chant.

Being able to do something yourself is one thing. Being able to pass this knowledge and these skills to others is another. To be able to do this, like most of his idols mentioned before, Anass went to study in Lyon (France) at the CEFEDEM institute in the years 2013 and 2014. In June 2014 he graduated and he obtained his French (state) diplome of Music Teacher: Traditional Chant and Percussion.

Anass gave many concerts in Europe and in Morocco and his voice is very precise and full of emotion, with the ability of going from the deep and warm low tones in the bariton range (Anass' primary range) all the way to the high tenor voice to express emotions and devotion. His repertories go through a lot of countries and civilizations. From the great Lebanese diva Fairouz to the Egyptian Oum Kalthoum, from the Syrian Sabah Fakhri to the Lebanese Wadih Al Safi, from soufi poems to maronite (old christian) melodies and medieval sephardic andalusian songs...

Anass Azami Hassani dit Anass Habib est né à Fès le 17 octobre 1980, dès l'âge de cinq ans il chantait des mélodies arabes classiques; il donna son premier concert en soliste à Fès à l'âge de 12 ans.

Anass a vécu en Syrie où il a perfectionné son chant avec de grands Maîtres de Damas et d'Alep, puis il a travaillé le chant Syriaque avec Ghada Shbeir au Liban et les techniques du chant et la pose de la voix avec Soeur Marie Keyrouz à Paris. Depuis 2008 il a donné à ce jour plusieurs concerts et master classes au Maroc, France, Pologne, Belgique, Pays Bas, Luxembourg, Afrique du Sud... etc. Il a obtenu son Diplome d'État de professeur du chant à Lyon et il enseigne la musique arabe et les musiques sacrées du Moyen-Orient (les modes, rythmes, les techniques du chant arabe classique et des chants sacrés du Viel Orient, les répertoires...).

Anass à un timbre de voix unique, une voix très chaleureuse, douce et forte quand il faut, précise et pleine d'émotions.

Ses répertoires passent par beaucoup de pays et de civilisations, de la grande diva libanaise Fairouz à l'égyptiènne Oum Kalthoum, du syrien Sabah Fakhri au libanais Wadih al Safi, des poèmes soufis aux chants maronites des chrètiens du Moyen-Orient et des mélodies des chants andalous et séfarades médiévaux...

Il donne des concerts soit a capella, s'accompagnant par moment de sa percussion, soit accompagné par d'autres musiciens. Bien qu'il parle parfaitement le français et l'anglais, il préfère chanter en arabe, en araméen, en ladino et en grecque ancien.